Engineered Sustainable Solutions for Environmental, Health and Safety, Facility Management, and Project Consulting
Oyster Bay Tidal Marsh Cleanup and Abatement
Oyster Bay Cleanup
This cleanup project involves the removal of nurdles (pre-production plastic pellets) that were used in manufacturing of plastic products, and that were discharged into an adjacent wetland in the San Francisco Bay. The Otis Institute was contracted by the dischargers to develop a Corrective Action Plan in response to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R2-2011-033.
To comply with the Water Boards’ Cleanup and Abatement Order, the Otis Institute developed a Final Corrective Action Plan that proposes to remove pre-production plastic pellets and trash from the tidal marsh area. The plan appropriately addresses procedures that will effectively minimize adverse impact during cleanup operations to endangered and threatened species, and to ensure the health of the estuary and wetlands and any other biologically sensitive area.
The Corrective Action Plan has been conditionally approved by the Water Board and coordinating agencies including EPA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). The written approval, including letters from USFWS and CDFG, that stated activities documented in final corrective action plan, would not create a take or the potential for take of a listed species. Otis Institute has been contracted to implement the Final Corrective Action Plan over the next 2 years and will be responsible for the cleanup activities.
For more information on the cleanup, see the Water Board issued video below.